3月29日 星期五 晚上 7pm
March 29 Friday @ 7PM
本年度的受難節已在3/29 (星期五) 7PM 在教會舉行。大家透過多個「模擬埸境 (Scenes)」,包括最後晚餐 The Last Supper、客西馬尼園 Garden of Gethsemane、衙門 Praetorium、各各他山髑髏地 Golgotha去紀念主耶穌為世人所走的十架路。
This year’s Good Friday Service was held at the church on Friday, 3/29 at 7PM. We participated in multiple “Scenes” of Good Friday in Jesus’ time, including The Last Supper, Garden of Gethsemane, Praetorium, and Golgotha to commemorate
the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus to the world.