華宣中文堂 教牧同工隊


熊金慶牧師 Rev. Gustav Hung


Gustav Hung was born and raised in Hong Kong. He came to the States to pursue his B.F.A in Photography at San Jose State University and later his M.F.A in Combined Media at Hunter College.

He accepted Christ in his undergraduate freshmen year and several years later, he received God’s calling to go into full-time ministry.

He studied at the Alliance Theological Seminary to pursue his Master of Divinity in Pastoral Ministry. Upon graduation, he served in Georgia and New Jersey. He is now a Co-Senior Pastor at New York Chinese Alliance Church. He’s married and he enjoys running and working on his on-going documentary project, “The SocialLandscape of New York City.”


方小紅傳道 Pastor Milly Fong


在香港土生土長,八八年移民來美後,仍是過著我行我素的生活;直到九二年被 神拯救,才瞭解甚麼是真理,明白生存的意義!感謝 神讓我相信祂之後,就可以立即出來服事。 神安排祂的仕女於角聲佈道團屬下之〔號角〕月報事奉,義務協助文字工作,九三年更成為全職同工,擔任副編輯一職。期間學習如何與 神同工,並以信心過活,誠然是屬靈的重要訓練。

我們所信的 神,更是一位成全諸事的 神!在九六年祂有新的帶領,就是讓我前往上州宣道神學院進修,九九年修畢神學碩士,同年四月,就在紐約華人宣道會當傳道人至今。

回顧往昔,全是恩典!祂使用我這個卑微不配的器皿,特別有負擔向中國同胞傳福音,在 神的恩手祝福、恩領下,國語事工及週二晚堂崇拜,就成為我主要的服事範圍。

此外, 神多年來也把我放在教會不同的崗位上,來塑造我的生命,經歷祂無盡的恩惠。就算在二OO七年罹患癌症,在祂的同在、保守下,現在仍可以繼續事奉,那份喜悅、感恩之情,實在難以言喻。


〔我拿甚麼報答耶和華向我所賜的一切厚恩?我要舉起救恩的杯,稱揚耶和華的名!〕 -詩一一六:12-13


〔凡我所行的,都是為福音的緣故,為要與人同得這福音的好處。〕 -林前九:23-一切榮耀全歸於我主、我 神!

行政助理 NYCAC Administrator

李婉珊 Shirley Lee


生於香港。在2002年,她與家人移民到紐約。2015年,她畢業於Baruch College,並於2016年開始在紐約華人宣道會工作。在業餘時間,她喜歡閱讀書籍,玩遊戲和觀看戲劇。

Born in Hong Kong. She immigrated to New York with her family in 2002. In 2015, she graduated from Baruch College and start working in NYCAC in 2016. She like to read books, play games, and watch dramas during her free time.