紐約華人宣道會歡迎你! 我們位於紐約曼哈頓華埠社區,在紐約已有五十多年歴史,見證和經歷過去的轉變,現有講英語,廣東話,或國語和西語的信眾。教會大部份的家庭都是由移民組成,經歷過作新移民的挑戰。面對即將來臨的回流和移民潮,我們希望以「過來人」身份去接待回流人士和新移民,給予到步紐約後的幫助和導引,以至他們能盡快適應新環境,融入社會。我們歡迎任何信仰背景新移居美國,(新移民、回流、工作及學生簽証…等)人士與我們聯絡。請電郵到 admin@nycac.org 或透過以下連結與我們聯絡。
Education 教育
• If you are new to New York City,
Family Welcome Center staff members are available to help you with the NYC public schools enrollment process.
• Registration Checklist(
中文): things needed when you register for school.
Adult Education, Workforce Development, and Financial Empowerment 成人教育、勞動力發展和財務諮詢
We Speak NYC provides free English language conversation classes for English language learners.
Workforce1 is a service that prepares and connects qualified candidates to job opportunities in New York City.
NYC Business Solutions Centers provide free services to help businesses start, operate, and expand in NYC.
NYC Financial Empowerment Centers provide FREE one-on-one professional, financial counseling and coaching to support you in reaching your goals.
Health Services 醫療協助
• If you are an immigrant with permanent or temporary lawful status, you can sign up for private health insurance through the
NY State of Health Marketplace.
• You can get low-cost medical care, with or without insurance, through
NYC Health + Hospitals (H+H).
• You can get low-to-no-cost services for sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV, at the
NYC Department of Health’s Sexual Health Clinics.
Housing 房屋
The New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) provides decent and affordable housing in a safe and secure living environment for low-and moderate-income residents throughout the five boroughs.
NYC Housing Connect is your portal to find and apply for affordable rental and homeownership opportunities across the five boroughs of New York City.
Homebase provides New Yorkers experiencing housing instability in the community with various homeless prevention services and aftercare services to families and individuals exiting NYC DHS shelter to permanent housing.
• The ABCs of Housing(
中文) is HPD’s guide to housing rules and regulations for owners and tenants.
Child and Family Welfare 兒童和家庭福利
EarlyLearn programs are available for infants and toddlers (ages six weeks to 2 years old).
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program(SNAP) program helps families and individuals supplement the cost of their diet with nutritious foods.
WIC gives milk, juice, formula, and other healthy foods to low-income mothers, pregnant women, and young children.
If you need food, there are places you can go to get food for free.
Emergency food program sites are located throughout the city.
Tax Assistance 稅務援助
• Eligible New Yorkers can file their taxes for free at a City-sponsored NYC Free Tax Prep site.
Identification 身份證明
• A person of any age can get a
non-driver ID card. You must apply in a DMV office.
IDNYC is a card for all New Yorkers, from all backgrounds, and from all five boroughs. Your immigration status does not matter.